Making adjustments to uploaded content is easy. It’s also possible to organize content into folders for better management. Here is a guide how to modify and categorize your content.

Individual Content

After a piece of content has been uploaded, changes can be made to the context, citation information, published date and importance. To begin, click on the item to adjust. This will pull up a settings window that looks like this:

Context - Provide your Delphi with additional information on content. Details about its purpose or relevance can be added.

Published Date - Update the original publishing date of the document.

Citation URL - Specify a destination for when this piece of content is cited in a conversation. If the content was uploaded with a URL, this field will override it.

Hide Citation - This prevents the document from being cited in conversations. It will still be referenced when formulating responses when applicable.

By or About You - If uploaded content is by or about you, select this box. Unselect it if the uploaded document represents your knowledge and outlook but is not authored by you or about you.

Instance Access - Assign a piece of content to train specific instances.

Content Importance - This is a very useful feature. Increase the importance of select documents to be prioritized when responses are formulated. It’s recommended to use sparingly, focusing on your most important pieces of content.

Status Log - Get an understanding why an error may be occuring.

Bulk Modifications

In the content portal, begin updating multiple documents by selecting the checkbox on the left. A toolbar will appear at the bottom of the page, providing options to edit, move or delete the content. After selecting edit, the same modifications can be made in bulk as for an individual document.

Creating Folders

The content portal consists of three panels. To create a folder, locate the middle panel (titled ‘Content’) and click the plus button to the right of ‘Folders.’ Name the folder and select ‘Create Folder.’

Once a folder is created, previously uploaded content can be moved into it. Select the documents and use the toolbar at the bottom of the screen to click ‘Move.’ An existing folder can then be chosen as the destination.

Content can also be uploaded directly into specific folders. Within the folder, select ‘Add Content’ in the top right corner of the screen.

Syncing Content

Synced content can be found in the same panel as folders. Setting up a sync automatically trains your Delphi when new content is published. Podcast series, YouTube channels, blogs, Twitter/X feeds, and Notion accounts can be set up as feeds.