Creating a clone that sounds, speaks, and thinks like you is not easy - you are a unique person with your own set of experiences that inform your world view.

Here, we will breakdown the best way to optimize your clone’s response quality, so that it sounds just like you.


The first thing you want to do is fill out the description on your clone profile page. This should give users a sense of who you are, your background, and what they can learn from you.


The next thing you want to is update the clone purpose. Our readiness score will be calculated as a function of your purpose and description, so you want to make sure the purpose is as specific as possible to how you expect the clone to be used.


Upload a couple of voice samples before adding any training data. The voice is not only used for clone calling - it’s also used to detect your voice in training data that contains more than one speaker. This is important for the clone to know which segments of a video are yours and which belong to someone else.


You can see more details on how to train your clone here.


During training, you can choose which documents you want to use for tone extraction. The reason we don’t automatically capture tone on every documents is because you may want your tone to reflect your verbal tone vs. your written tone.

On the tone tab, you can edit which documents your clone uses to infer your tone. You can also add feedback in realtime to improve the diction and style of your clone’s written and verbal communication.

Improve Responses

To test your clone, head over to your clone’s talk page.

From here, you can ask questions to guage how well your clone is performing. If you see an answer that you don’t like, you can click “Improve Response” and write the ideal response, which will correct your clone for all future similar questions.

Similarly, if you think the tone is off, you can click “Improve Tone”, write some feedback, and your clone will adjust.


Creativity defines the strictness of your clone’s responses.

If you want your clone to only say things it is trained on, without any room for flexibility or personalization, you should set the creativity to 0.

When the creativity is set to 0, your clone will be less likely to reason like you on new situations. It will also be less likely to answer commands like “Tell me your thoughts on the current market”, because it will only be able to talk about things it is specifically trained on.

We recommend a creativity score of 5, unless you work in a medical or financial domain (which we would recommend a lower creativity score).